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the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra is playing
2008 Canadian Orchestra Website Review: Trends and Detailed Scores
We're offering a new feature on the ESO website: program notes online, with delivery via rss or email, sent prior to the concert. This will let you read up about a concert before you come. Most people find that they enjoy a concert more when they have some background information about the pieces being performed, so if you're a regular attender, I encourage you to take advantage of this resource. Even if you're not planning on attending a particular concert, the information in the program notes will help you in this situation.
Program Notes in your inbox
Google is celebrating their 10th anniversary, and to celebrate they've released their archive of the world wide web as it existed in 2001.
Partying like it's 2001
Composer and conductor H.K. Gruber joins the ESO for a rather unusual performance tonight and tomorrow that features his work Frankenstein!! The BBC Music Magazine said:
"Is Frankenstein!! a set of Roald Dahl-ish sinister-magical songs masquerading as a grown-up song-cycle? Or political satire hiding under a charming Viennese facade? Or is it a caberet entertainment, like Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire, but with added sugar and chocolate? Gruber himself takes on the role of chansonnier with lip-smacking relish."
If a white person starts talking to you about classical music, it’s essential that you tread very lightly. This is because white people are all petrified that they will be exposed as someone who has only a moderate understanding of classical music. When a white person encounters another white person who actually enjoys classical music (exceptionally rare), it is often considered to be one of the most traumatic experiences they can go through.
“Really? Beethoven’s 5th Symphony….that’s your favorite.”“um, no, I mean…”“You sure it’s not Pachebel’s Canon?”“well, ah, I like that, ah, song”“sigh, of course you do.”
Chauncey Q Fancypants
On Monday the Conservative Party announced the Children's Arts Tax Credit, which basically mirrors the Children's Fitness Tax Credit they implemented two years ago. Basically parents can claim up to $500 in expenses for arts-related activities (as yet undecided, but presumably music lessons, art lessons, etc) for their kids 16 and under.
Stephen Harper likes tax cuts
Prior to the Margaret Atwood lecture tonight at the Winspear, there is a rally in Churchill Square (across the street from the Winspear) for arts funding from 6 PM to 7 PM. Here's the facebook event.
Arts funding rally tonight