Listen... the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra is playing

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

SSUTS live blog recap

It was another successful Sobeys Symphony Under the Sky, despite the cold and threatening weather. The crowds were good, and after 14 years of tweaking, things ran pretty smoothly. For the first time, we invited bloggers to write posts live from the park, using their laptops and free wi-fi. If you've been following this blog, you'll have seen links to our bloggers' sites already, but I wanted to recap in a single entry by linking to specific posts made during the festival.

The festival started Friday night with a traditional Masters-type concert, focusing on the masters of the Romantic era. Kerri made note of the fashion critics in the audience, while Elizabeth Withey painted the weird and lovely picture that is SSUTS.

Erin was moved to tears by Saturday afternoon's ballet concert, while Raffaella reviewed Saturday's Night at the Movies.

Classical Mystery Tour took the stage for Sunday night's show as Isaac pondered the riddles in the lyrics of the Beatles.

The festival closed with Monday's afternoon performance featuring PJ Perry on saxophone and Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. The audience also was the first to hear a live, orchestral version of John Estacio's Hockey Night in Canada theme entry. All the details were covered on the blogs Stable or TARDIS?, River City Writer, and Her View Photography.

Of course, that's just a sampling of the posts made during the festival - see you all next year?

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